Tingling in the hands
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you can be with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It is caused by compression of a nerve in the wrist.
It is estimated that the incidence in the general population ranges from 3-10%, being more common in women aged between 40 and 60 years. However, with the widespread use of computers began to be found in young adults of both sexes.
In the region of the wrist (carpus also called) is a real tunnel through which pass from the forearm into the hand, the Median nerve along with nine tendons. The floor of the tunnel is formed by small bones and the roof consists of a fibrous tissue.
Median nerve controls the sensitivity of the palm of the fingers (excluding the little finger) and also sends impulses to the muscles that move the thumb.
The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when the median nerve is compressed within the tunnel, and this can occur in any situation that reduces the size of the tunnel or increase the volume of tissue that pass inside. When we long with the handle folded reduced the space for the nerve, such as in situations such as reading the newspaper, go and sleep with flexed wrist.
• Menopause (due to hormonal changes) • Pregnancy (fluid retention in the tendons)
The patient may experience pain, tingling sensation, shock, fatigue or weight forearm numbness in fingers innervated by the Median nerve and in more severe cases, atrophy of muscles, causing weakness and falling objects hand. In about 50% of cases can affect both sides. The early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent permanent nerve damage and consequent anesthesia and atrophy of the hand, which can make the affected person dependent on others. You need a medical evaluation to rule out other problems that can mimic these symptoms,
In resistant cases the surgical treatment is necessary to prevent progression of the disease. The surgery is to "open" the roof of the tunnel, releasing the pinched nerve. This can be achieved through a mini-incision in the palm of the hand. The patient receives sedation (sleep and do not see or feel anything) and the surgery is performed under local anesthesia at the handle. A few hours later the patient returns home with a splint immobilizing the wrist, using a sling to prevent swelling of the hand and fingers moving. The tingling sensation usually disappears already in the immediate postoperative period.
And VITE sweeteners with exception of STEVITA (some sweeteners stamp THAT THE NAME "STEVIA" CONTAINS ONLY A PERCENTAGE OF STEVIA) They can cause tingling in the legs.Feet and Hands
'I spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE about aspartame, known as NutraSweet, Equal, Zerocal, Finn and Spoonful'
They announced that there was an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus, and they did not understand what toxin was causing these diseases assolassem the United States so quickly.
I explained that I was there to lecture on exactly that subject.
When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 30 ° C, the alcohol contained in the aspartame becomes formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which causes metabolic acidosis (formic acid is the ant venom).
The methanol toxicity mimics multiple sclerosis and people receive the wrong diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.
Multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, but methanol toxicity is .. In the case of systemic lupus, we are finding that it is almost as rampant as multiple sclerosis, especially with Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi by reason of methanoltoxicity.
(The victims usually drink
In cases of systemic lupus caused by Aspartame, the victim usually does not know that the aspartame is the cause of his illness and continues its use, aggravating the lupus to such a degree, that sometimes it becomes life threatening.
When off of aspartame, the people who had lupus usually become asymptomatic.
Unfortunately, we can not reverse this disease. On the other hand, in cases diagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis (when, in reality, the disease is methanol toxicity) most of the symptoms disappear. We have seen cases where their vision has returned and even their hearing has returned.
This also applies to cases of tinnitus (ringing in the ear).
It should therefore prevent aspartame (sweetener) preventively, as well as soft drinks, especially diet, and zero light.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Dr. Kouyoumdjian JoãoAris Síndrome carpal tunnel is the name referred to a disease that occurs when the nerve that passes in the wrist (median nerve) is subjected to compression, leading to characteristic symptoms which are described below. Disease is very common among women aged 35 to 60 years; may occur less frequently outside of these age ranges and also occasionally in men. Typical symptoms are represented by numbness and tingling in the hands, especially at the ends of the index finger, middle and ring; almost 2/3 of cases are bilateral Characteristically these symptoms occur at night, causing people to have to get up, move your hands or even put them in hot water immersion, sometimes pain can arise throughout the upper limb (hand, forearm and arm) are also frequent feelings of shock in certain hand positions like holding an object with force, hold steering wheel or peel fruits and vegetables. ![]() In most cases this nerve compression in the wrist ("trapped nerve") is due to the narrowing your channel crossing by chronic inflammation unspecified tendons also pass through this channel. In other cases less frequently associated diseases may exister compressing the nerve. It is important to note that pregnant women may have symptoms of the disease caused by edema ("swelling") own pregnancy, in most cases the symptoms disappear after delivery can reappear many years later. Some professional activities involving continuous flexing of the fingers (eg milking milk) can trigger symptoms of nerve compression. The diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome is based on typical symptoms and evidence of nerve compression by a test called electromyography; exam nerves in the forearm, wrist and fingers are stimulated by shocks of low intensity and the measured result on the screen apparatus. The treatment for cases of mild compression (criterion based on Electrodiagnostic examination) can be done initially immobilizing the wrist for "splints"; never be bandaged wrist as it may worsen the compression, should also be avoided as this phase physiotherapy . The "splints" are small splints hard yet flexible material that are placed from hand to the forearm and secured with velcro and can be easily removed and replaced. Remedies or infiltration at the site may be used, but are always palliative ie not solve the problem permanently. In cases where the treatment by immobilization failure or those in which the examination reveals Electrodiagnostic more severe nerve compression should undergo surgery. The goal of surgery is to open the channel through which the nerve passes, finally solving the problem in most cases. When the nerve is too long can be compressed final atrophy ("nerve atrophy or dry") with little recovery even after surgery. Dr. JoãoAris Kouyoumdjian Professor Neurology and Assistentede Chief Setorde Electroneuromyography Medicinade School of São José do Rio Preto. Av Bady Bassitt, 3896. 15025-000 - SãoJosé do Rio Preto, SP.
Biomet ®, Inc.: Carpal Tunnel Menu Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Introduction CyberHealth 2000: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Prevention Video Overview of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Classification of carpal tunnel syndrome cases. Conditions Which Contribute to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
When carpal tunnel syndrome appears?
Symptoms can appear at any time during pregnancy, but usually present at the beginning of the fifth or sixth month, along with mild swelling of the ankles and feet. Symptoms may worsen at night. Whenever you feel the twinges, change position in bed - that alone relieves much of the hassle. Try not to sleep on the hands. Another trick is to shake hands until the pain and numbness subside. Flex your fingers and hands several times during the day is also positive. If you are in pain, avoid repetitive motions like typing and doing crafts, which can worsen symptoms. Keep your hands high when seated, for example on the back of the couch while you watch TV, can also help. If you work with computers, adjust the height of your chair so that the wrists are not bent down when you type.Ergonomic keyboards can also help. Remember to take breaks to stretch your hands and fingers. Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome usually disappear shortly after the baby is born, along with the swelling. The disappearance of pain, however, is not immediate - you will still be swelled to some days after delivery. If the pain persists long after delivery, you may need a special treatment to relieve pressure on the median nerve, first with anti-inflammatory medications, cortisone injections later with or, in very severe cases, even surgery, all depending on the medical recommendation. The procedure is done through a small incision in the palm, so that the doctor can make a cut on the transverse carpal ligament, one of the walls of the carpal tunnel, thus freeing the nerve. With the incision, the median nerve function normally again. |
Talk to your doctor if the pain and tingling are interfering with your sleep and your routine. Do not take any painkiller without the permission of her obstetrician. The use of wrist splints removable, for periods of rest, can also be beneficial.